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Knights of Academia

Better yourself, better your world

The Digital Detox Challenge

Welcome to The KOA Challenge of the Week!


Each and every week we challenge ourselves with tests that improve us mentally as well as physically. Become a better, stronger, more refined version of yourself with KOA.


Remember, if you’d like to dive into a Challenge of the Week further than the 7 day period that it’s available, you can find all of our Challenges in the public challenges section of Habitica. Challenge ends this Saturday.

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Everyone is fighting for your attention. Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, they’re all draining you of your energy one dopamine induced minute at a time. Your mind is not for sale! It’s time to take it back.


Throwback to last years 30 day Social media fast! Throughout this Challenge, we will test ourselves by cutting out the dead weight that sucks our valuable time and energy from what is important.

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Disclaimer: If you’re in KOA & competing for the Champion of the Week title, you must complete “The Vow” & “Reflection” to win

Image Link: https://i.imgur.com/VATbGZe.gif




The Vow

I vow to dedicating these next 7 days to mastering the art of digital detoxing!

using technology in a healthy way / regaining control of my focus


Bonus Points if you make the vow in #Challenge-of-the-Week (found in the KOA Discord Server)

bar_chart Data Analytics Strategy

Pick your Data Analytics Method! How will you track your time spent on social media and digital applications?


  • IOS – Built in time tracker with IOS
  • Android – Download time tracking app. Try our soon to be Partners Digidiction! (warning, app is in beta mode)
  • Manually. Good old pen and paper pencil

heavy_check_mark Set your Daily Limit

Briefly review your recent media activity and analyze your most unhealthy digital habits. Set a daily limit for one of the following:

All Media Consumption (total phone use) / Media Consumption of a Category (social interaction) / Media Consumption of a chosen application (Reddit / FB)