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Book of the Month

The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

From The Sleeve

What’s being widely regarded as “one of the most life changing books ever written” may be the simplest approach to achieving everything you’ve ever wanted, and faster than you ever thought possible

What if you could wake up tomorrow and any – or EVERY – area of your life was beginning to transform? What would you change? The Miracle Morning is already transforming the lives of tens of thousands of people around the world by showing them how to wake up each day with more ENERGY, MOTIVATION, and FOCUS to take your life to the next level. It’s been right here in front of us all along, but this book has finally brought it to life.

Are you ready? The next chapter of YOUR life-the most extraordinary life you’ve ever imagined-is about to begin. It’s time to WAKE UP to your full potential…

About the Author & Context

Hal Elrod (age 40) is the author of the widely successful book The Miracle Morning. He is one of the most in-demand keynote speakers in the world and also the host of Achieve Your Goal podcast. At age 20, Hal went through a near-death experience, which rendered him unable to walk again. He proved this wrong when he went on to run a 52-mile ultra marathon before the age of 30. In 2016, a very rare and aggressive form of cancer threatened his life again. Hal, however, was not faltered by this. After enduring through painful and difficult years, he is now cancer-free and working as an executive producer of the Miracle Morning Movie. From his personal experience with overcoming struggles, you can quite clearly see the inspiration behind his work on the Miracle Morning book series.

There are a total of 14 books in the Miracle Morning book series, some of which are Miracle Morning for Entrepreneurs, Miracle Morning Millionaires, and Miracle Morning for Transforming Your Relationship. Hal’s latest book is called The Miracle Equation, which is worth reading if you’re interested in figuring out the fail-proof formula of how to turn your ideal life from “possible” to “inevitable”.

The SAVERS Routine

The core concept of the Miracle Morning routine is the SAVERS method. SAVERS represents the six main practices included in the Miracle Morning routine. Each practice should be given about an equal amount of time in the morning. One way of implementing the Miracle Morning routine into your own life is by slowly integrating one habit / practice at a time. In addition to these practices, having a Miracle Morning routine means the individual has to wake up early in the morning to find enough time to complete all of the practices.

The SAVERS acronym stands for the following practices (click on each of them to learn more):

S — Silence

The practice of Silence can be simply that: spending some time in complete silence. However, you can also make time for silence in the form of meditation, reflection, deep breathing, and gratitude (Elrod, 2012). Scheduling time for silence means taking a few minutes first thing in the morning to sit quietly with your thoughts. This may be a hard habit to pick up at first for several reasons, such as if you’re not used to quiet environments and/or if you naturally have a lot of thoughts running through your head (Elrod, 2012). Nonetheless, it is certainly a habit that can be easily practiced on a daily basis when you start with a few minutes a day. 

A — Affirmations

The practice of creating and speaking positive affirmations can be an easy habit to start for some, hard for others. The most important thing to remember about affirmations is that they should be honest and tailored to the person’s goals (Elrod, 2012). Elrod suggests that the affirmations should be created with purpose. In addition, it is important that the affirmations are believable to the person for them to be beneficial. Be consistent with practicing affirmations if you choose to include them in your morning routine (Elrod, 2012). If the person achieves in an area of life, they may not need to use a certain affirmation if it has already fulfilled its purpose.

V — Visualization

The practice of visualization is similar to the practice of meditation. The goal of visualization is to vividly see yourself not only achieving your dreams and goals, but also seeing yourself doing the necessary actions to achieve said goals (Elrod, 2012). You should practice seeing yourself enjoying the tasks that will achieve your goals. If you have a hard time visualizing the enjoyment from working toward a goal, then consider if it is a goal worth pursuing. When you practice positive visualization in the morning, you are taking the time to prepare yourself to have a good day. Elrod recommends starting with 5 minutes of visualization in the routine. The more often you practice visualization, the more real your goals become.

E — Exercise

Elrod emphasizes the importance of exercise as part of the Miracle Morning routine. This is because exercise can be done in the morning, no excuses, in as little as 60 seconds. Then, more exercise time can be added once accustomed to daily exercise. Incorporating exercise into your daily routine can be as easy as it sounds when you start small. Because exercise would be over with in the morning, this habit gives more sustained energy for the rest of the day, compared to exercising later in the day. Some suggested exercises include yoga, jumping jacks, and other aerobic exercises (Elrod, 2012). Whatever exercise you choose to do, it’s best to get it done in the morning so you don’t make excuses for exercising later. Most importantly, make sure that you are careful about not straining your body if you have not exercised in a long time.

R — Reading

For the practice of reading, Elrod recommends 10-15 minutes of reading per day if you are starting or restarting a reading habit. You can read books on a variety of subjects, so you could pick subjects that would match up with your goals and try books that introduce new interests. If you are already familiar with annotating books from school, you should continue this habit when reading personal development books. For the personal development books you want to read, annotate them for ideas, strategies, and other important information you want to reference later (Elrod, 2012). When you read these books, think about the purpose for reading each one. Read the book while being mindful of the outcomes you want to get out of the book. Lastly, re-reading books is an important habit to keep so that you will remember the ideas you found at a later time (Elrod, 2012). Think about how the ideas you learned can be applicable to your own life. The continuous practice of reflection on what you read will strengthen your reading habit.

S — Scribing

The prescribed form of scribing that Elrod recommends is journaling. His suggestions are flexible, considering gratitude, goals, and much more to write about each day. As Elrod (2012) implies, you shouldn’t feel guilty that you didn’t have as much time to journal as planned, as long as you record something from your day you thought was significant. One suggestion for keeping a daily journal habit is by using a dated journal. Elrod (2012) recommends this so you would notice if you missed a previous day’s entry and motivate you to keep your journal habit strong. A brief mention of a different format is writing a book. This is based on Elrod’s belief that everyone has a story to share with the world. The book you decide to write someday does not have to be a fiction novel: rather, it could be your autobiography or writing about another topic you’re passionate about. Keep in mind that when you choose to scribe as part of your morning routine, you must schedule your writing time, because “there’s just no time” should no longer be an excuse if you are already scheduling time in your morning for other practices. If you want to start a scribing habit of your own, try 5 minutes per day and adjust to a length that’s most comfortable for you. The most important factor in scribing is consistency. Gain momentum in your scribing habit to reap the full benefits.

Key Takeaways

  • The Miracle Morning routine is not a static structure. Not everyone’s days will allow a lot of time for morning activities. Don’t worry about following the amount of time as prescribed in the book, you can adjust the frequency and length of the activities to your liking. Take the time to make the Miracle Morning routine work for you by customizing it to your schedule.
  • Define the intentions you have for following the Miracle Morning routine (or parts of it). If you don’t have a good idea why you’re committing to the routines, you’re less likely to do them consistently. It would be a good idea to write out your intentions for each morning activity you want to start/restart. If you can’t do it for a certain activity, feel free to exclude it from your own morning routine. Remember: the morning routine is yours to design and customize to your needs.
  • The book Miracle Morning is part of a larger self-improvement program and can be tailored to different careers and lifestyles. There are other books by Elrod that customize the Miracle Morning routine to parents, writers, and many other lifestyles. A disclaimer about implementing Miracle Morning into your own life is that this program was designed to sound like wishful thinking. It promises lasting lifestyle changes to its customers as long as they believe in their ability to improve. Readers may notice, therefore, that the book is mostly written as a sales pitch to promote the Miracle Morning program (e.g. mentioning companion products, websites, etc). 

If you want to make some changes to your morning routine, want to become an early bird, try out new habits or restart some habits, then give this book a try!